
  • Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris

  • Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris

  • Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris

ORIGINATOR: Robert Wayman


CLASS: Tall Bearded



DESCRIPTION: Gold yellow self; darker brown veining at the hafts; self beard. Very fragrant.

PARENTAGE: Parentage not listed.


PBF: None

From the 1930 Robert Wayman Iris Catalog: In searching for a name that would be descriptive and appropriate for this most charming variety I could think of nothing more suitable than the golden-haired Miss whose name I have appropriated for the purpose. It is one of the most fragrant of all Irises. The standards, falls and styles are of a uniform soft yellow, of unusual tone, with a lustrous silky sheen and the smoothest texture imaginable. It is much more stylish looking than any other yellow Iris I have ever seen, and is a very large flower of perfect form, nicely branched on 36-inch stems, the flowers being beautifully poised and nicely placed. It also has the advantage of being very early, coming about a week to ten days ahead of the regular season, and I believe that choice varieties, blooming either ahead of the regular season or after the season, are of special value in prolonging the Iris season. It is a rugged hardy grower, which is something that cannot be said of many of the yellows, and is a champion propagator. It is most handsome as an individual or exhibition flower and makes a wonderful garden clump, attracting attention from all parts of the garden. It is entirely unlike any other yellow Iris I have ever seen and seems to have every good quality to recommend it. My only reason for listing this variety this season is that so many Iris Specialists visiting my gardens last year were anxious to buy it. I cannot, however, make delivery of the plants until after flowering season 1931, and I am offering it now for delivery at that time at $50.00 each.

From the 1939 Robert Wayman Iris Brochure: This very fine Iris has every good quality to recommend it, a lustrous silky sheen, the smoothest possible texture, exquisite fragrance, large size, perfection of form, a prodigious bloomer, a very long flowering season, beginning with the early flowering varieties and continuing with the latest. Yet it differs from every other yellow Iris on every point, even the color being the popular "green-gold" of certain fine jewelery; yet it is a "lively" yellow, that attracts attention clear across the garden. You are sure to love this delightful yellow Iris that is so "different". My own introduction.

From the Flower Grower, July 1937: Very fine yellow with a lustrous silky sheen, the smoothest possible texture, exquisite fragrance and pefect form. Long flowering season.