Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
CLASS: Tall Bearded
BLOOM SEASON: Early to Mid
DESCRIPTION: S. clear white; F, creamy pink; tangerine beard.
PARENTAGE: R 37-E: (3/D127 x N 28-1: (K 18-B: (I 12-1: (Buffawn sdlg. x Cherry Flip) x Mallow Marvel) x L 275-A: (I 638: (Pink Cameo x Pinnacle) x I 43-C: (Bright Song x Radiation))) X R 38-M: (3/D127 x O 1-1: (L 12-1 x L 275-A)
PBF: Unknown
INTERESTING INFO: From the 1968 Schreiner's Iris Lover's Catalog: Here is a new pink amoena, an additionto that color group that yields advancement so grudgingly. A dramatic beauty of swirling iridescent creamy pink falls contrasting with taffeta-crisp standards of unblemished white. Closed up, a slight texture venation pattern reveals itself in the falls, but at a distance of 15 feet it appears a smooth, uniform, clear pink. Derived from five generations of selective breeding, it has fertile pollen and a seed setter.