Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at the Presby Memorial Iris Gardens
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at the Presby Memorial Iris Gardens
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
CLASS: Tall Bearded
BLOOM SEASON: Early to Mid
DESCRIPTION: White and rose-purple plicata.
PARENTAGE: Hans Sass sdlg. X Unknown
AWARDS: HC'50, HM'51, AM'55
PBF: Unknown
INTERSTING INFO: From the 1951 Schreiner's Iris Lover's Catalog: A Plicata to excite both the color-conscious and the style-conscious fancier! Fresher, brighter, starchier than Minnie Colquitt, its clean-cut styling, jaunty ruffling and the contrasting white blaze on the falls - gleaming like new-minted silver dollars - summon the garden visitor from afar. Admired and singled out at the AIS meeting in Oregon in 1949, its performance at the 1950 Midwest meeting won it the coveted "Highly Commended" Award of the American Iris Society.