Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
ORIGINATOR: Jean Stevens
CLASS: Tall Bearded
BLOOM SEASON: Early to Mid
DESCRIPTION: S. white, F. deep even red; some haft venations.
PARENTAGE: ((Naranja x Redmayne) x (Lagos x (Gudrun x (Lady Morvyth x Rangitira)))) X (Russet Mantle x Three Sisters)
AWARDS: Honorable Mention 1961
PBF: None
INTERESTING INFO: From the 1958 Schreiner's Iris Lover's Catalog: For years hybridizers have dreamed of producing a red and white amoena but with scant hope of success since nature produces amoenas only in the violet and white form. However, Mrs. Stevens of New Zealand, whose magic touch produced the first yellow and amoenas, has now startled the Iris world with the first red and white amoena. FINEST HOUR possess snow white standards faintly flushed lemon-chartreuse at the base of the midribs, together with plum-red falls of sharply flaring form. A nicely branched Iris that will be very distingue in the garden clump and which will, of course, be of unique interest to hybridizers.
From the 1965 Wanganui Iris Catalog: Another "different" amoena of Mrs. Steven's raising - this time a striking red and white. The firmly closed standards of this iris are snowy white except down toward the hafts, where they are faintly flushed lemon chartreuse. The falls are rounded and the glowing plum-red colour is rich and even. The branching is excellent and the whole plant is a vigourous grower and an exceptionally fast increaser. Very early flowering, it is one of the first to open but remains in flower over a long season.