Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
ORIGINATOR: Anthony & Dorothy Willott
CLASS: Standard Dwarf Bearded
HEIGHT: 10.5"
BLOOM SEASON: Early to Mid
DESCRIPTION: S. light brown flushed violet at base; F. light brown washed gold, deeper hafts; dark yellow orange beard.
PARENTAGE: 74-30: (72-33: (Blueberry Muffins x ((Nylon Loveliness x Dark Fairy) x Roberts 65R9)) x Gingerbread Man) X Sixpence
AWARDS: Honorable Mention 1991
PBF: None
INTERESTING INFO: From the 1995 Abbey Gardens Catalog: Light brown standards flushed violet at base; falls light brown with gold wash.
Webmaster Remarks: A vigorous grower. Color can vary greatly depending on the amount of light and weather.
Drambuie is a Scottish liqueur that combines honey, whisky and a variety of spices including saffron, anise and nutmeg.