Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris
ORIGINATOR: Chet Tompkins
CLASS: Tall Bearded
BLOOM SEASON: Mid to Very Late
DESCRIPTION: Wintergreen pink self; creamy pink undertone; amber edge; red beard.
PARENTAGE: (Herald Angel X Tantallon) X (Herald Angel x Apple Valley)
AWARDS: Honorable Mention 1970
INTERESTING INFO: From the 1967 Fleur de Lis Gardens Catalog: Here's a new pink that
is as luscious and mouth-watering as any of the confections that
graced the shelves, - "so near and yet so glassily remote," of the
never to be matched "Candy Counter" in the country store of our
old home town. This is a fluffy creation of wintergreen pink over
heavy whipped cream topped off with wide ruffled borders of amber-toned
taffy and sprinkled with golden flecks of maple sugar around
rich maraschino red beards. Tall, with strong well branched stalks
that carry many large flowers at once . A great favorite of ours, this
seems to be equally well liked by visitors