
  • Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris

  • Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris

  • Photo by Carlos Ayento; taken at Brighton Park Iris



CLASS: Tall Bearded


BLOOM SEASON: Midseason Late

DESCRIPTION: S. soft buff cream, infused with slightest hint of lavender on midrib; F. orchid purple; orchid purple beard.

PARENTAGE: Lorilee X R 332-1: (L 820-A: (G 274-A: (A 1064-A: (Stepping Out x V 655-A: (P 1036-B: (M 1119-A: (Bright Contrast x Harlequin) x Belle Meade) x Rococo)) x Margarita) x G 705-2: (B 882-A: (T 1081-4: (Karachi x Memphis Lass) x Cloud Capers) x Breaking Dawn)) x K 1155-F: (F 246-A: (Breaking Dawn x Y 1740-CC: (Amethyst Flame x T 741-1: (M 368-B: (Lavanesque x Opal Beauty) x Wonderment))) x H 387-1, Navajo Blanket sib))

AWARDS: Honorable Mention 1989

PBF: Unknown

From the 1987 Schreiner’s Iris Lover’s Catalog: This fine amoena is a first rate garden plant. Imperial rosy violet falls contrast soft buff-cream standards infused with just the slightest hint of lavender in the midribs. Most magnifcient of all is the fully rounded flower with its excelent substance and fine glossy texture. The stems have four to five ecellently spaced branches sporting 10-11 buds.

German word for "Mayor." The word consists of "burger", meaning citizen and "meister" meaning master.